Uniform Dress Code

By choosing to attend Mother of Sorrows School, you have made a serious commitment to Catholic education. We believe that the public image of our school stems directly from the appearance and conduct of our students, thus, parents and students accept the school uniform as an integral part of the school community life. We believe that the school uniform will:
- Enable students to focus on their school work;
- Instill a sense of discipline through school dress requirements;
- Reduce peer pressure over preferred forms and items of dress.
Though we recognize our individuality, the uniform at Mother of Sorrows School is part of what unites us as one community.
There are two basic required uniform collections. Mother of Sorrows School has a traditional uniform policy that includes a Dress Uniform and a selection of looks for the Everyday Uniform. The Dress Uniform provides a tailored look that represents the student body in a very positive light in and out of the school community life. When students attend Mass, they are required to wear their Dress Uniform (Mass days are noted on the school calendar). The Dress Uniform may also be required for students attending off-campus field trips. Specific attire requirements for field trips will be given on the permission slip that will come home with the students. On any other normal school day, students may choose a more casual look from the Everyday Uniform collection.
Occasionally, students will be granted the privilege of a “Dress-Down Day.” On Dress-Down Days, students are given an opportunity to wear the clothing of their choosing. Students are sometimes asked to dress to a specific theme or color. In making that clothing choice, please keep in mind that all non-uniform clothing worn at the school or a school event that contains a message, picture, or logo, must present a positive image acceptable in the Catholic, Christian MOSS Community. The administration has the right to determine any article of clothing to be unacceptable and in those cases; students will be asked to change.
Physical Education:
On the day students have Physical Education, please follow these uniform guidelines. All students must wear tennis shoes for Physical Education. Uniforms are ordered through the school office. Please remember that students are not permitted to wear jewelry.
Grades K-4: Everyday Uniform or Physical Education Uniform.
Grades 5-8: Physical Education Uniform
Physical Education Uniform:
- Red t-shirt with MOSS crest
- Uniform Navy Gym Shorts-MOSS Print (Aug.- Nov.) and (March-June)
- Uniform Navy Gym Pants MOSS Print (Dec.- Feb.)
Optional: Zip-Up Navy Jacket
You can place your order using the link Gym Uniform Order
Once the uniforms arrive, your FACTS Incidental Billing account will be charged.
During the months December-February, shorts can only be worn with gym pants throughout the school day, except during physical education class.
If you have any questions regarding the MOSS Uniform Policy, please contact the school office at 724-733-8840.