Affiliate Parishes
Listed below are the parishes affiliated with Mother of Sorrows Catholic School, their locations, contact info, assigned clergy and websites:
Mother of Sorrows Parish
4202 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668
Phone: 724-733-8840
Monsignor Michael Begolly, DMin: Email
Saint Mary’s Parish
5900 Kennedy Avenue
Export, PA 15632
Phone: 724-327-0647
Monsignor Michael Begolly, Email
St. John the Baptist de La Salle Parish
497 Athena Drive
Delmont, PA 15626
Phone: 724-327-0647
Monsignor Michael Begolly, Email
St. Regis Parish
517 Homewood Ave
Trafford, PA 15085
Phone: 412-372-4577
Father Daniel E. Carr, Pastor Email
[email protected]