Your time and assistance are always welcome! There are many areas of our school that could benefit from your willingness to help, including:
- Cafeteria Duty
- Fundraising
- SCRIP Sales
- Extracurricular Events
We are always in need of dedicated, hard-working individuals who would like to give of their time and talent. If you are interested, please contact the school office at 724-733-8840, or email Jodi Beall, Administrative Assistant, to find out how you can share your gifts with us.
Clearances are required to volunteer at MOSS. This includes chaperones, lunch duty, or any type of volunteering at the school.
Diocesan Clearances and Trainings
The Diocese of Greensburg requires all clergy, parish, cemetery, school employees and all volunteers to have all of the following clearances and trainings prior to work or ministry in the diocese.✝

- Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct
- PA Mandated Reporter Training *
- VIRTUS Training – Every Five Years
- PA Criminal History Check Form – Every Five Years
- PA Child Abuse Form – Every Five Years
- FBI Fingerprint Check – Every Five Years. Initial submission must be done through screening agency. Then every five years screening agency submission OR an Affidavit for volunteers only ‡.
- ACT 24
✝ The Pennsylvania Provisional Services Law allows for an applicant for full or part-time employment or a volunteer for a position to be hired or accepted on a 30-day provisional basis. The Diocese of Greensburg does not ascribe to this practice. The Diocese requires that all documentation be in place prior to the applicant being offered a position in the Diocese.
* The Diocese of Greensburg considers all paid clergy, parish, cemetery and school staff to be a Mandated Reporter.
‡ CYO Coaches MUST obtain FBI Fingerprint Clearance every five years. They cannot submit a Volunteer Affidavit.
Please click the following link to begin your clearance process. Click to be transferred to our Clearance Information Page