According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health Regulations, children must be immunized with the following before being admitted to kindergarten:
- Diphtheria and tetanus (Four doses, including a dose after the child’s fourth birthday)
- Polio – OPV or IPV (Three doses)
- Measles and Mumps on or after the child’s first birthday (Two doses)
- Rubella on or after the child’s first birthday (One dose)
- Hepatitis B (Three doses)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) immunity – either from vaccination (Two doses), history of disease (written statement from physician indicating year and month of disease), or laboratory testing.
An up-to-date immunization record from your physician is required for entry into school. Please submit an immunization record when you are submitting your registration materials.
Persons having medical, religious, or philosophical objections to these immunizations should contact the school nurse.
Children entering kindergarten are required by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to have a physical and dental examination. These exams may be done through the school or through the child’s personal physician and dentist, no sooner than one year prior to kindergarten entrance.
Questions regarding these requirements can be directed to:
Mrs. Beth Frydrych BSN, RN, NCSN
Certified School Nurse
Franklin Regional Middle School, Mother of Sorrows School
Franklin Regional Health Services Coordinator
724-327-5456, ext. 2013
All Mother of Sorrows Students
- Grades 1 & 2, 4 & 5, and 8: No Physical or Dental Exam Forms are needed.
- Grades 3 and 7: Dental Exam Form is required
- Grade 6: Physical Exam Form is required
Physical and dental exam forms should be completed by your family providers. However, if your child will not be examined during the required year by your family physician or dentist, a school examination will be provided free of charge. Contact a Franklin Regional Middle School nurse, Beth Frydrych, to schedule this examination. Specific forms and parent signatures are required prior to the exam.
Please notify the school nurse of any additional immunizations or “booster shots” received since the initial kindergarten requirements.
Screenings Provided
- Vision/Growth: All grade levels yearly (Please note: Height and weight are not done in front of other students, nor are the results said aloud).
- Hearing: Kindergarten through third grade, as well as seventh grade, and any student in any grade with a history of hearing loss, or for whom there are no past records.
- Scoliosis: Sixth and seventh grade only
All parents will be notified of screening results. A special form will be sent if it is determined that further evaluation by your family health care provider is needed.
Health Forms
Student health forms for the new school year are available. Please select the appropriate document below to download and print a copy of the form. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the school office at 724-733-8840.