Before School Club
- Opens at 7:15 am
- Available for Preschool-8th Grade
- $8.50 flat rate ($16.00-two or more children in family)
- Located in school cafeteria.
- Students in grade Prek-8th will go to their classrooms at 8:10 am
- On snow delay days, Before School Club begins at 8:30 am
After School Club: The Afterschool Club will begin at your child’s dismissal time and end at 5:30 pm.
- Rates:
- $7.25/hour (1st child)
- $4.25/hour (2nd child)
- $3.25/hour (3rd child)
- Parents need to notify your child’s teacher by note or phone call to the school office by 2:30 pm to let us know if your child is staying for After School Club.
- Parents are responsible for sending a snack for this time.
- After School Club will take place in the Family Life Center but may be relocated to the cafeteria a couple times a year due to special events. Parents will be notified of this change in advance.
- After School Club is not available on the following dates:
- May 30, 2025
Invoicing for both clubs is done monthly via the FACTS management system. Invoices are emailed at the beginning of each month. Payment is expected through FACTS Incidental Billing System. Students cannot participate in the club if payment is not made by the due date.